How Hard is It to Become a Glassblower?


It is hard. Let’s not beat around the bush here. Being a glassblower means being an artisan. You’ll need to learn to create shapes by using only your breath, various tools, and of course molten glass. It is not easy. Don’t think we’re negative. But, you’re reading this article and the question is how hard is it to become a glassblower? It’s hard. We’re not going to repeat ourselves anymore. Instead, we’re going to tell you what this skill is and how to become good at it. Once you finish reading this article, you decide if it is hard or not. Fair? We think so.

If you’re creative and have a sense of art, this might be your thing. Being a glassblower is all about expressing yourself through creative work. By creating an interesting product you’ll be able to make a profession out of it, and even make some money out of it if your skills are honed properly. If a career in the domain is what you’re seeking you need to read this article carefully.

If you decide that this isn’t your thing after reading this piece or even, later on, don’t worry. There are plenty of other artisans making products you might like. But, if you stay put and make a job out of it you’ll need the proper equipment. Glass lathe for sale should be your first search and you can find the right one if you visit this site. That’s where your journey as a professional will start. But, let’s get the basic lessons together first. How hard is it to become a glassblower? Let’s find out together.

What Does it Mean to be a Glassblower?


It is a profession. It revolves around the glass. A glassblower’s job is to create items out of glass. It is done by using numerous glassblowing techniques all intended to help you shape molten glass into a final product for consumers. It can vary from simple bowls to complicated sculptures. It all depends on how far you can take your skills. Those who are skilled enough even sell their products as a form of art. Others do it to satisfy their customer base who require products made out of glass, while you can even do it as a hobby, and as a means to relieve yourself of stress. The bottom line is you can make it whatever you want. It all depends on your skills and ambition. For this profession, the time you dedicate to the craft also matters a lot.

The Work of a Glassblower


As we already mentioned, you can make whatever you want out of it. It all comes down to the products you want to launch. By deciding what you want to make, and how often your duties will vary. The first one will of course be to create a concept of the final product. You can’t be a glassblower without a proper idea, and an end goal. The process matters and is everything in between these two things. It is not work that can be done without planning. You need concepts and ideas. The best way to present what you can and will do is to start with sketches or some other visual means of showing what your product is going to be.

Once you have this part completed you need to move on to bigger and better things. The final product is important, but you can’t get it right without the proper material. This is the next step. You need to create the right material that will have the color you like and make the material have the ideal consistency. To get to the blowing part you need to raise the temperature before the molting part starts. Heating glass is not possible without the right temperature. The ideal combination is what makes blowing and shaping possible.

The next step is finally blowing. This is done through a pipe, where you activate the molten materials via various techniques you’ll learn, one of which is popping. From there you’ll take things further, and by elevating the material and applying air and techniques to it, you’ll be starting your journey toward finding the final shape.

Yes, we get it, explaining this sounds like learning a ninjutsu technique in Naruto. Working on finding the shape you imagined is the final part of the process. Once you have it on your hands the time is right to start cooling it off. You need to approach this part slowly and steadily in order to avoid losing the intended shape and to make sure there are no cracks or breaks on the final product.

Do you Want to Become One? Here’s How


As we said. It is not an easy task. But, it is an interesting occupation. Even if you want it only as a hobby, that’s fine too. Having a way to express yourself while being creative, and creating a final product is a good path to be on.  So, if you have plans of becoming a glassblower here’s what you can do. Let’s start with the first step and the most logical one. It’s simple – just take classes.

That’s right folks. Learning this skill on your own is possible, but it’s not easy,  and it probably wouldn’t be wise to be self-taught. This is why we suggest that you take a few lessons before you start practicing it. This work needs to start with the basics.

There are plenty of beginners’ courses available that can teach you the techniques necessary for a good start. Also, this is an ideal chance to see if you’re good at it and how much time it will take you to get it right. It might even show you that your interest in the craft is not genuine and you’ll quit. Pursuing this craft professionally is everyone’s cup of tea. But, if you get a grasp of fundamentals and you like it, you can strive for greatness and make this our profession. Once you have the initial steps right, you can move on to the next level.

What level would that be? Well, we’re talking about the practice. You know how practice makes perfect. Well, that’s true, when it comes to glassblowing you must get plenty of practice. There’s no other way to get good at it. The theoretical part is probably the easiest. Once you get the basics your adventure needs to move forward at a rapid rate. But, don’t push it. Practice, practice, practice. It is all about taking on as many projects as you can.

Make a diversified portfolio. Yes, we know this is not an investment, but that’s the right approach. You should focus on the things you do best in this department. Once you have a few simpler pieces you need to try your hand at a bit more complicated products. Failure is expected when you’re a rookie glassblower. That’s how you learn. You only must practice more and never quit. The initial education matters, and that’s where you start. But you need to continue with relentless work.


Once you have completed the two tasks we laid out for you above, you can move on to the next step we’re about to suggest. Become a sorcerer’s apprentice! Yes, you can view professional glass blowers as sorcerers. After all, a skilled glassblower does appear as if he’s performing acts of magic. So, if you want to have your skills further pronounced you’ll need to start work with a true professional.

Skilled glassblowers can do wonders for your young skills. You can start by only watching how a professional works before becoming their right hand and assisting with the process. With this approach, you’ll be able to make your foundations strong which is a great way to start your career in this department.

After taking classes, and spending countless hours practicing, working with a master will do you plenty of favors. The biggest one will be that you’ll notice in which skill department you are lacking.

Once you notice your weaknesses you’ll be able to work on your skill set. At this moment your skills will already be pronounced. So, you will not only have to correct your flaws but also excel in the things you’re already great at. By doing this, and all of the steps we listed above you can conclude your path in glassblowing.

Once you’re aware of your skills as a glassblower you will be able to decide whether they are enough to make this activity your profession. As we said, it is not easy work. It is hard to become one, and even harder to withstand the professional standards in this sphere of operations.

It is not only work, it is also an art form. This is what makes it so daring and exciting at the same time. But, if you trust your education, skill, and talent, and you had a good apprenticeship, you should give it a go. It is a highly competitive sphere of work, and not everyone can be a success. But, without giving it a try you’ll never know.  If you prove to be a good glassblower you might not only end up satisfied with your products, but you can also make a lot of money out of it.