Are Frozen Meal Entrees Healthy? A Dietitian Sets the Record Straight

Most people have some food in their freezer because it is very practical. All it is necessary to do is to put it in the microwave or in the oven, maybe a quick fry, and it’s ready to eat. Many people wonder if, in addition to practicality, this way of storing food is also healthy. There is too much free space between fresh food and man as the end user, which food can undergo significant changes. In contrast, frozen food is generally pre-processed (cleaned, cut, and packaged), and is safer in that form. Therefore, the claim that fresh is best is only partially correct.

Advantages of frozen meal


There are many good things about storing food this way and its consuming. Frozen meal is an affordable way to preserve the nutrients of perishable foods. In general, such groceries and meals retains their vitamins and minerals and does not change the carbohydrate, protein or fat content. In some cases, frozen food contains more vitamins and minerals than fresh, because fresh food loses vitamins and minerals over time, and freezing preserves said nutrients. Frozen meals can also be useful for people with limited kitchen space or dishes. So, not only can it be more affordable, but it can also help reduce food waste because you will take out of the freezer just as much as you need. You can find here more ideas about frozen meal entrees everyone likes.

Reasons why time meals are not recommended

Yes, it is quick, easy, and usually quite affordable, but it’s rarely the best way to get the nutrients you need. Some frozen food, especially frozen pizza and pie, contain harmful partially hydrogenated oil, which could lead to clogging of the arteries. Of course, by this we mean if you often consume this kind of food. It is always important to carefully check the ingredients as well as the expiry date. It is important that you know to who you are giving not only your trust but also your health. All in all, if you take care of your health and consume something like this from time to time, there is no fear you will gain some weight or endanger your health.

 What dishes and foods can we freeze?


If you don’t have time to cook during the work week, freezing cooked meals is a great solution, just make sure you freeze them properly so they stay healthy and last longer. In this way, you can store various types of soups, pasta with sauce, and lasagna, but also some fast food such as burritos, hot dogs, tortillas, and so on. As for thermal processing, it can be a semi-processed or finished dish.

How to properly freeze food?

The first rule is that the food should be chilled, never warm. Then pack them in appropriate plastic containers if the food is liquid because glass ones would crack at low temperatures. Try to keep the containers closed so that the food does not leak, because in this way it also dries out, which has a negative effect on the taste itself. Pack solid food in plastic bags so that air does not enter, and if you have a vacuum cleaner, even better. In this way, you will avoid an unpleasant smell that may appear during defrosting.

How to defrost food safely?


To preserve the nutrients in frozen food, follow the cooking method indicated on the package. The safest way to defrost food is in the refrigerator, gradually. If you are in a hurry, you can put the food in an airtight plastic bag and submerge it in cold water, which needs to be changed every half hour, and cook the food immediately after defrosting. You can also defrost it in the microwave, but it should be prepared immediately as soon as it is thawed.

Disadvantages of fresh foods

Fresh foods require much more time for preparation and culinary processing. It may sound surprising to you, but frozen foods are often cheaper. What we have not mentioned so far as an advantage of frozen food is the possibility of consuming it out of season.

Money saving


Many people think that frozen food is more expensive, but ask yourself how many times you have thrown away fresh chicken, fish, fruit, or vegetables because they have been sitting in the refrigerator for too long. We all do it sometimes. With frozen food, it’s rare that you have to throw something away because it’s spoiled; food generally stays fresh for months when kept in the freezer.

How long can food stay in the freezer?

In order for the food to preserve its taste and quality, you must take into account how long it will be stored in the freezer. For most food, it is not recommended to keep it longer than 2-4 months, and if it is fresh meat, it can stay frozen for up to a year.



Once the food has been thawed in the refrigerator, it can be safely refrozen without prior cooking, although it should be taken into account that it will lose some of its quality because it lost some of its liquid during thawing. After cooking raw food that was previously frozen, it can be safely frozen. If previously frozen food is thawed in the refrigerator, unused portions can be refrozen for a period of 3-4 days.

Final thoughts

The benefits of a healthy and balanced diet are very well known to everyone, but on the other hand, we tend to reach for food with an attractive appearance or great practicality, such as frozen ready-made meals, pastries or store-bought dry cakes.

The taste of frozen ready meals and desserts is without a doubt excellent. Users of all frozen categories believe that ready-made frozen meals save time and are easier to prepare than fresh ones. Between fresh and frozen food (if it has been frozen for no longer than six months) there is not a very big difference in terms of nutrients. The problem is if you buy semi-finished and finished products that are frozen. Namely, the very method of preparation dramatically changes the health benefits of such food.