What Metals Can Be Investment Casted – 8 Tips For Beginners

Source: investmentcastchina.com

Did you know that the casting of metals is a process that has existed for over a thousand years? Yup, this procedure – that concerns pouring liquid metals into a cast, chilling it, and then extracting it from the container – has been around for a long time and over the years, it has been utilized for manufacturing almost everything, from weapons in the past to turbines that we use for producing energy from wind today.

If you’re planning on creating your own products by casting metals, you might be wondering which ones you could use. Most processes of investment casting are done by utilizing aluminum, steel, as well as other alloys, due to their durability and strength, but since each brings different characteristics to the products, here is what you should know about each metal that you could use:

1. “Low-Alloy Steel”

Source: lakshyasteel.com

Used For: gas parts, pumps, military vehicles, pumps, construction machines

If you need a metal that is tough, strong, and resistant to various things including corrosion, you should definitely choose to use low-alloy steels. Since they usually feature nickel and chromium, they’re tougher than other available options. Even though it’s incredibly tough and durable, you won’t have any issues with welding components together if you use the right tools and materials according to an experienced steel investment casting company https://dawangcasting.com/.

2. “Carbon Steel”

Used For: motor components, household appliances

The first thing that you should learn about this specific metal is that it’s almost completely constructed out of carbon and it’s also one of the most frequently utilized materials across various industries. The reason why it’s most frequently utilized for casting is that it has high and durable structural integrity – meaning that it’s durable and tough – and it won’t be susceptible when treated with high temperatures. You can find metal supply at FastMetals.

3. “Alloy Steel”

Source: dhandsteels.com

Used For: vehicle components, household appliances

These steels are, in most situations, a combination of the aforementioned material and one or several additional ones. The materials that could be added to this type of steel are chromium (which improves durability and strength), cobalt (which improves strength and resistance to heat), nickel (which improves its resistance to corrosion), tungsten (which improves hardness), vanadium (which improves strength, durability, and resistance to heat and corrosion).

4. “Ferritic Stainless Steel”

Used For: kitchen utensils & goods, cookware, vehicles, offshore machines

This particular metal type has really high chromium levels, which allows them to be incredibly ductile, resistant to wear and tear, as well as resistant to corrosion. Because of these specific properties, ferritic stainless steel is most commonly utilized for kitchen utensils and goods, as well as vehicle components, and offshore machines. If you’re planning on casting such products, this metal alloy might be the most suitable for you.

5. “Austenitic Stainless Steel”

Source: matmatch.com

Used For: food & beverage equipment, vehicle components, industrial tools & equipment

Another metal that you could utilize is austenitic stainless steel. The main benefit of utilizing it is that it is iron that isn’t magnetic. Now, you should know and remember, the hardness of this particular material won’t increase when it’s heated and it is also completely non-magnetic, thus, you might not want to use it if these properties aren’t suitable for your project. Additionally, it’s non-corrosive, which is why it’s one of the favorite alloys for the hospitality enterprise.

6. “Hardening Stainless Steel”

Used For: aerospace industry, various springs

Relying on the method utilized with this metal alloy, it could be martensitic or austenitic. Because it’s treated with a wide array of heat temperatures and treatments, it’s incredibly strong and tough, thus, it has been utilized in the aerospace enterprise for a really long time, especially for manufacturing parts for aircraft. The strength-weight ratio is incredible with this material, which is why it’s also utilized for springs.

7. “Cobalt Alloys”

Source: cobaltinstitute.org

Used For: engines, orthopedic implants

When it comes to being extremely resistant to heat and corrosion, cobalt does an excellent job. Additionally, it’s quite durable and it can last for a really long time, which is why it has been the number one material for manufacturing orthopedic implants. Now, there is a wide range of allows when it comes to cobalt, however, the most frequently used ones are three, six, twenty-one, as well as thirty-one.

8. “Nickel Alloys”

Used For: electrical housing, petrol & oil industries, cables, wires

The last material on this list is nickel alloys. The main differences between it and the other materials we’ve mentioned are that it can expand under heat and they’re also quite magnetic, making it suitable for a wide range of applications and processes. The usual grades that you’ll be capable of finding are Ni200 and Ni205. You should know, each grade has different properties and advantages, so do your research before opting for one.

Two Tips to Remember

Source: heatcalc.com

No matter for what purposes you’re planning on investment casting, choosing the right material is crucial. After all, you cannot really utilize a softer option for an item that needs to be long-lasting and strong, thus, before you actually opt for a metal, you should do your research and determine which one is suitable for the needs you have. Trust me, you don’t want to choose the wrong metal, especially since it could end up costing you a lot of money.

The second tip that you must remember is that you need to purchase protective gear. Hence, before you even start working on your project, ensure that you wear protective gloves, boots, and glasses, as well as clothes and a thicker apron so that you can protect your body from the heat, sparks, and sudden bursts that could easily happen when working with liquid metals such as the ones we’ve mentioned in our list above.


As you were able to learn from our 2024 guide above, there is a wide array of metals that you could utilize for investment casting. Of course, the options you choose will entirely rely on the process you’re working on, thus, while keeping your needs and requirements in mind, be extra careful when selecting the option you’ll utilize.

Keep in mind, each of the materials we’ve mentioned above has different properties and is suitable for different things, thus, before you opt for the metal you’ll use, you might want to go through our list from above one more time, and from there, determine what might be suitable for you.